Office (832) 303-8468

Landlords of Legacy
LRLS is proud to work with all interested parties within the realm of Real Estate. Listed below are summaries regarding how we like to go about doing business with each individual prospect and expectations for our relationships.
Landlords of Legacy

Landlords of Legacy
Cash buyers should present our consultants with information regarding what type of property they want to inquire about, their desired location of the property, as well as, the desired price point they prefer. During the initial consultation, cash buyers should be as descriptive as possible regarding their request. This criterion can change at any time, at such time, changes should be communicated to us as to how your perspective may have shifted.
Landlords of Legacy
Sellers should be straight forward and transparent with our consultants. Each seller needs to provide their desired selling price and inform us of the current condition of the property. This includes but is not limited to the most recent repairs the property has gone through and repairs that need to be addressed. Sellers should also have a good overview of the equity they have in the property, amongst other notable information.
Landlords of Legacy
Real Estate Agents are always welcome along the journey. Agents will mainly help provide additions to our exclusive buyer's list. If we happen to have a property that an agent finds valuable the agents can, by all means, help us list the property. All Jv,s with buyers supplied by agents will be split 50/50.